My oldest grandbaby turns 16 years old tomorrow. 16!! How on earth did that happen? Wasn’t it just yesterday that I was 16? Then suddenly my boys were 16 and I thought the world was spinning too fast and needed to slow down. But my grandbaby? That’s just not possible or even remotely right.
This is the child who gave me the title of grandma for the very first time. She was the first baby girl I ever had in my house, since I raised boys. I was able to go nuts in the baby clothes department with pinks and ribbons and bows! She was so tiny and petite. But she had the soul of a warrior!
She was born early and stayed hooked up to all kinds of monitors and gadgets for the first few weeks of her life. I’ll never forget the first time I held her and fed her a bottle. I had to be careful of the wires and attachments, but I never really saw them. All I saw was this beautiful, tiny little thing with a tuft of blonde fuzz who had her big strong daddy, along with all the rest of us, wrapped around her itty bitty finger!
She was strong and feisty as she grew, reminding me of her dad and his independent streak – which may or may not have been inherited from a certain brand new grandma! One of my favorite stories came from my daughter in law. Apparently, after observing her mother make breakfast a few times, this little four year old decided she was ready to follow in her momma’s footsteps and fix breakfast for the family. While everyone else slept, she walked into the kitchen, dragged out her little step stool, pulled out the eggs, turned on the stove and proceeded to cook away. Her mom smelled something and, after realizing my son was still snoozing, walked into the kitchen to see a very proud little girl who announced she was making omelets for everyone!
Fortunately, she actually was a very good cook; no one got hurt and nothing burned down!
We used to have lots of sleepovers, reading more books than I can remember, snuggled in under blankets, laughing and singing silly made up songs. From building forts in the living room (no adults allowed!) to countless hours playing office with old phones and a desk just grandbaby size, there was never a boring moment at grandma’s house.
We’d watch our favorite shows on TV, like The Backyardigans and The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and then as time passed, we had regular Tuesday night dates with the adventures of The Flash and Psych.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, grandbabies are a unique and amazing gift from God!
As time has been busy marching on, there aren’t as many sleepovers, but there are lots of basketball games and practices, concerts and birthday parties. There are boyfriends and texting and studying for a driver’s license. She’s as tall as I am now, but she still has the most beautiful and disarming smile and shiny blue eyes you’ve ever seen.
Part of me gets a little sad, missing that little girl that needed me to help her reach the book on the top shelf or get buckled into her car seat. But when I see her face, my grandma heart does a happy dance, knowing she is growing into a kind and caring human who I have no doubt will make this world better than before she got here!
When I walk through the door at her house and she hears my voice, I still get a little squeal and a big hug. I’m so grateful I get to know her and that she is a part of our family. She has always been a fearless participant in all life has to offer, and I’m beyond proud of everything she does! I can’t wait to see all the amazing things she is going to do with the life God gave her!
Happy birthday, Bug! You’re just getting started!
Grandchildren are the crowing glory of the aged; parents are the pride of their children. – Proverbs 17:6
🙂 !!!!!