I’m back! It’s been a minute or two since I’ve posted a story and I’ve missed you all! The past few months have been creeping by with a lot of busyness but not a lot of carving out of time for writing.
Someone asked me if I was still writing and posting stories and I said of course! Then I looked at my calendar and discovered it’s been over three months since my last story! For someone who usually shares a story a week, three months is a long time to be out of pocket.
You may be wondering what’s been going on? Have I had health issues? Any major life upheavals? Have I broken both arms so I could no long type? The answer to all these questions is no. I have no big reason, nothing earth shattering or life changing. I’ll be honest with you, (since that’s what I’ve always tried to be!) and tell you, I just haven’t felt like I had anything to say. It may sound like an excuse, and maybe deep down it is, but for a person who sees a story and a lesson in almost everything, it has been strange and a bit unsettling to feel like there were no stories left for me to tell.
I keep a folder on my computer with all the thoughts and notes and Bible verses that eventually become my stories. After I realized how long it had been, I went back through that folder. There were pages and pages of unfinished stories, partial thoughts and a note that included a long list of “oh-this-would-be-a-great-story” ideas! So I had to acknowledge to myself that there were still plenty of stories to be written and they aren’t going to write themselves!
It takes discipline to sit still long enough to collect thoughts and ideas and turn them into something meaningful. It takes diligence and patience to sit quietly and wait on God for direction and clarity on a message He wants conveyed. And I have been lacking in all the above.
I believe the isolation of the pandemic was more impactful to me than I care to admit. I find inspiration in people and interactions with friends and strangers alike. As I do this thing called life, my eyes are often opened to lessons God teaches me, using day-to-day experiences as the lesson. When the interactions and experiences are suddenly reduced to memories and news feeds and other peoples’ social media accounts, there aren’t a lot of opportunities for inspiration.
Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that God couldn’t inspire me even if I were locked in a cave. I’m saying I didn’t pay attention; I neglected to pray for open eyes and a heart searching for lessons to learn and share; I kept my focus and attention on how isolated I felt; I spent all my energy staying busy – my garden has never looked better, by the way – and had nothing left for God to use. How sad, right?
I know I’m not alone in this. I can’t be the only extravert who felt like a global rug had been pulled out from under me! I can’t be! I’m not the only Believer who has felt lost and a little betrayed by how the Church has responded at times. I’ve felt let down by politicians and leaders who have turned an historic pandemic into political fodder. All that can add up to heavy feelings of being adrift with no safe harbor in sight.
But when I asked God for vision and wisdom and what He wants from me, true to His nature, He kindly and gently reminded me that He isn’t finished with me yet! There are so many more stories to tell. So many more lessons to learn and so many lives that need to be reached for Him. He led me to my little folder overflowing with things He wants me to use to continue pointing the world to Him! How awesome!!!
So like a bad penny that keeps showing up or an old familiar TV show that returns with a new season, I’m back! And I’ve got a whole pile of stories to share on what I’m calling “Timeout Tuesdays”! So take some time out of your busy schedule every Tuesday, and get ready to learn and laugh with me as God continues leading on this great adventure of life!
Whenever God calls us to a task, He will equip us and enable us to complete that task. – Michael Youssef
I’ve missed you so much! Your insight always inspires me and your deep love of God is infectious. Welcome back to writing and hopefully back to Bible Study this Fall.
Thank you so much, sweet friend!