So today I did something that I’ve done multiple times before…..I joined a gym. I’m hoping that this time it will be different. I love the quote attributed to Einstein where he says “true insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.” For whatever reason, I tend to repeat that phrase over to myself each time I find myself circling back to something that didn’t work before, telling myself that this time it will be different but then never changing my approach, actions or mindset. The end result? Exactly like the time before…nothing changed.
Here’s why I think things might truly be different this time. It was because of one simple question that the trainer asked when I first walked in the door. “Why are you here?” Such a simple question. So many simple answers, all of which I’m sure he’s heard before. My answer to that question is why I believe things will be different this time. I wasn’t there because I wanted to loose weight. That would be nice, but that wasn’t my reason. I wasn’t there because I wanted my arms to look amazing in a gown I have to wear for a show I’m doing in September. Again, that would be nice, but that wasn’t my reason either.
I want to live longer. That was my answer. I want to be healthy when I reach the age of my parents and mother in law. I want to have the energy to play with my 6 grandbabies any time I want and live to see them happily married and doing well in life. I know that this time will be different because my mindset is different.
When I sat with the trainer for my obligatory “free analysis” – where they basically try to sell you on a personal trainer package – I held my ground, didn’t give in to pressure and simply stated, the only thing I need is for someone to show me how to work out on the machines. That’s it. No fancy lunges around the perimeter of the gym, no measuring tape or super expensive heart monitor that “tracks everything”. No pretending I’m ok with someone yelling at me or telling me what to do or that I can’t be tired yet, I’ve only done 350 sit ups! (By the way, everything I just mentioned has happened before, except for the 350 sit ups. I’ve never done that many. I don’t want to do that many. End of story.)
Anyway, I will be honest and say I felt a little sorry for this hulk of a man, who couldn’t bring his arms down to his side due to the muscles he carried on his small frame. All he really wanted to do was show me my fat content and help me “tweak” my diet so I would get the best out of my protein, carb and hormone intake. I was brutally honest as I answered his questions. On a scale of 1-10, what would I say my commitment to my workout is? I answered 8. I know myself. I know that it should be a 10, but the reality is, if I don’t start feeling better or see some movement on the scale I lose interest. It’s just who I am. And I have a really busy life, so I gotta see some action, baby!!
I noticed he started to deflate a bit. Then he asked if I had any experience with a personal trainer. I said yes. He wanted me to tell him about it. Again, I was brutally honest and told him that a) it’s too expense b) I don’t respond well to being yelled at and c) I don’t enjoy pushing myself to complete someone else’s check list. I told him I like to work at my own pace. If I know what to do, I will happily work at it on my own time schedule. If my fibromyalgia is kicking in, I don’t need to feel worse about myself because I can’t work as hard as I may have been able to the day before! Once the flare up ends, I’ll get right back out there, but not until. I know myself and my body and I’ve had to learn the hard way when to take a step back.
By now I noticed his shoulders had slumped a little and he sighed. I told him I was so grateful that the gym offered his services to show me around and how to use everything that will help me be healthy. He smiled a bit and walked me to the row of machines I had my eye on. He very graciously showed me how all of them worked, giving me tips to get the most out of them, and helped me as I tried each one out.
I thanked him and sent him on his way 30 minutes before our scheduled time was supposed to end. I think we ended on a good note. We shook hands, I sat down on the arm-pull-down-thingy and he went to the free weight section to continue his own workout…..or maybe work through some frustrations, I’m not really sure!
The moral of this long story is this, be true to who you are. Know your limits and be brave to explore and stretch to get new ones. But make sure they are yours and not pushed on you by someone else or the status quo. You are a unique creation that God loves so much even the number of hairs you have on your head is noted by Him! Pretty cool, right?
Ok, gotta run! It’s time to use the leg-going-up-and-down thingy!!
I love your reason! I try to think about that every time I notice my motivation to exercise slipping. Your health is precious and I’m so glad you’re taking care of yourself!
I just think it’s sad that it’s taken me so long to finally realize that really is the only sustainable reason to workout!