Can you believe that we are already into the second month of this new year? Time seems to literally fly! I guess a lot has to do with the busy schedules I know we all live with. As I looked over my calendar to see what I’ve got going on the next couple of months, I realized I was exhausted and needed a nap…and I hadn’t even gotten past March!
I got to thinking about being busy and what that had to do with the choices I make everyday. For me, the most important thing is anything that pertains to my family, the second would be what I call my “legacy” – what will be left behind, what people will remember about me, after I’m dead and gone. Will the people I work with remember my attention to detail or will they only remember a blur of activity that simply kept me busy? Will the customers I speak to over the phone feel they are receiving the best customer service ever or will they feel like they are an unwelcome interruption in my hectic day?
If I can make just one person smile today or leave someone feeling that they are special because I stopped what I was doing and really listened, then I think I’ll be a little closer to my goal of leaving a legacy and my busyness will be worth it.
As we rush through each day, I’m thinking we should take a second or two and decide to use our time wisely and ensure that when the last bell has rung there’ll be something of substance left behind.
How you choose to respond each moment to the movie of life determines how you see the next frame, and the next, and eventually how you feel when the movie ends. – Doc Childre