When I was in school I loved History, right after English and creative writing. I’ve always enjoyed learning about the world’s different cultures and viewpoints, not to mention the vast beauty of different countries.
We live on a planet that can feel both large and small at the same time. The vastness of the oceans and mountain ranges make me feel small and unimportant. The stars that fill the sky make my little corner of the world appear far removed from the rest of a universe that I can only imagine the size of.
I love standing on the beach watching the waves roll in and out, the same exact way they have since the beginning of creation. Sunrises and sunsets are one of the most masterful of all God’s paintings, in my humble opinion. The passing of seasons, the way my flowers grow – blooming and then withering almost as quickly – all remind me that our stay here on earth is a brief moment in time and we are just a tiny blip on the radar.
And yet, thanks to the wonder of social media, I can feel just as connected to friends that live on other sides of the world. I can see and experience the differences in the world that we all share. I can read books that tell me about the past, and my Bible that tells me about the future.
The world can be small or large – depending on your perspective.
There are times that the world can seem so large that there isn’t much point in my opinion. No one may ever really hear my voice as I try to make a difference. There is so much noise and sound and everyone is so involved in their own tiny section of the planet that one little pebble won’t make much of a splash in the grand scheme of things.
But my little splash CAN make a difference to me and my little circle of influence. There are those that are nearby and that cross my path every single day that I can have an impact on. I heard a speaker once talk about expanding your circle of influence. That was almost 7 years ago. It was a tiny thought, or pebble, that started to expand in my little brain. I started to think about how small my circle had gotten. And then I felt the urge to take action. I changed my job and gained an all new circle of influence. I started speaking up more. I’ve always talked to strangers, but now my conversations had more purpose. I want to be Jesus to any and all who cross my path. The idea and passion for this blog was born as I thought about even more ways to expand my circle of influence.
Recently, at my church we talked about being a light in the world. We all had a candle and at the end of the sermon, the pastor came down and lit a candle held by someone in the front row. Then that person went to someone and lit their candle and so on. Soon the auditorium, including the balcony, was filled with the bright light of almost 2,000 tiny candles! It was amazing and inspiring and challenging all at the same time.
Starting with one small candle, an entire space was filled with enough light that we didn’t need the electrical ones! It was the best example I’ve ever seen of how expanding our circle of influence, not being afraid to speak up or smile at someone having a rough day or being kind and doing good for a stranger and sharing God’s love, can make an impact on this world we live in.
Yes, the world is a big place, but when we focus on making a difference one tiny light at a time, the world can feel smaller and comforting. It can bring us together as people; no matter our country or culture or viewpoint. After all, God created us ALL in his image. That makes us family and when we stick together, lighting each other’s flame and sharing the light God has given to each of us, we can make this world better and brighter! If we can do it here, just imagine what it will be like when we get to heaven!!
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!
– Harry Dixon Loes
Well said Deanna! I’ve been contemplating this thought as well. Lighting the candles in church was exactly what I needed to see how just one tiny light in the midst of the darkness can make a big difference if we just keep reaching out to one more person every day.
It really was a beautiful reminder!
Enjoy your beautiful thoughts.. enjoy your light..
I see it in your life!
Thank you, my friend!