Many years ago, at the beginning of my career, I participated in a leadership development program. It was an intense, four day program with lots of soul searching and questions about who I was and wanted to be. It was exhausting and awesome all at the same time. One of the required tasks was to create a personal value, vision and mission statement. Now I know a lot of you are already rolling your eyes and yawning. But I have to say, it was one of the most helpful things I ever did, especially during the early stages of my work life.
Writing down the things I believed about myself and creating a plumb line to measure my actions and viewpoints against is one of the things that has helped me stay true to who I am as a person and what I believe God has called me to do.
So many times, as I’ve gone about my life and the busyness that comes with it, I’ve felt myself getting a little lost. There have been times at work that I hear things coming out of my mouth that don’t feel genuine but rather a mimic of what I think my leader wants to hear. Or times that I’m in such a hurry to get from point A to point B that, once I arrive, I can’t remember the drive or walk or whatever means off transportation I used to get there.
I don’t want to be remembered as a somber workaholic that has forgotten how to have fun. I don’t want people to feel they need to rush their conversations with me because they sense I would rather be anywhere but right there listening. I don’t want to miss a sunset, or the adorable laughter of my grandbabies or the hug from my Hub when he comes home from work.
There is so much in life to pay attention to. There is so much that flits by so quickly that it’s easy to miss it. It may not change your destination or career trajectory, but it will make life a little dry if you don’t pay attention.
I spend a lot of my day in my office, sitting at my computer writing. One of the ways I’ve chosen to stay connected to the world outside my walls is to work with the window open so I can hear the birds singing. Or I’ll take my computer to the park or Disneyland or the beach and work from there. I know I’m blessed to have the freedom to do that and that not everyone can. But everyone can take two minutes every couple of hours, get up and walk around. Maybe it’s outside or to the break room where you can join a conversation. Maybe all you are able to do is lift your head up and look at the picture of a loved one that sits on your desk. There is so much to notice when you take the time to focus and choose to pause.
So in the spirit of sharing, here is my personal value, vision and mission statement created many years ago that still rings true for me today. Maybe today is a good day for you to have a conversation with yourself about who you really are, what you want to be remembered for and create something to hold up as a plumb line to measure your thoughts and actions against. Something to keep you accountable to what you spend your time on! Blessings to you all!
I will be a person of purpose. I will be humble and say thanks to God everyday for the gift of another day. I will not let a day go by without noticing something beautiful. I will treat all people with kindness and respect. I will be driven by my values and beliefs. I will experience life’s passion with the newness of a child’s love, the sweetness and joy of young love and the respect and reverence of mature love. My goals are to achieve a position of respect and knowledge, to utilize that position to help others, to play an active role in a public service organization. Finally, I will go through life with a smile on my face and a twinkle in my eye.
At the end of my life, I want to be able to say I gave everything I had to give and truly made a difference by my presence here on earth.
Thank you, Deanna! That was inspiring!