Feeling less than. It’s a horrible feeling. It sneaks up on you when you least expect it. In fact, sometimes it hits me when I’m feeling pretty darn good about myself!
For example:
I’ve often wondered why I’m much more inclined to feel love towards and motivated to help someone who is very obviously in a worse situation than I am; and yet, when I come across someone that seems to “have it all” I feel a little less gracious when they cut me off in their shiny Tesla or ignore me when I’m being waited on and take the clerk’s attention away from finishing my transaction.
This happened the other day and it go me to thinking. I was eating at a favorite restaurant with my parents and I noticed an older lady sitting a few booths away. She was alone and obviously in need of food, and possible a place to sleep at night. My heart went out to her. I found myself praying for her situation and for a way to help. She was gone before I had the chance to approach her, so I didn’t get to provide physical help but I did provide her the greatest help – prayer!
Not more than 10 minutes later, as I was waiting patiently to pay my bill, a “busy” gentleman with an iPad and notebook in hand pushed his way in front of me, totally interrupting my transaction, and asked the hostess if he really had to wait for a seat or could he just go find something himself. The poor girl was the only one up front dealing with taking names for the next available table and taking payments from those of us who had finished our meals. She very graciously answered the gentleman that he needed to wait but took his name before returning to me.
The thought that came to my mind was how incredibly different these two people’s situations were. On the one hand, there was the woman who had little and didn’t demand much, then there was the gentleman that had much and demanded more. I felt myself getting angry at this person who demanded that he be paid attention to immediately. I forgot about the woman who obviously had a need and started to get wrapped up in the indignation I was feeling for myself.
I immediately felt less than. Less than this man who obviously felt his needs were more important than mine. Less than this gracious young hostess who was able to show kindness while I stood there seething. Even less than the poor woman who sat quietly eating her meal, not expecting anything from anyone. I felt totally invisible.
Now I realize not everyone has these moments, but they come upon me every once in a while. I want to help those in need; I feel good about myself because I notice the need; I do what I can to meet the need and then someone who doesn’t need anything at all jumps into the front of my smugness and reminds me of the times that I may have done the same thing to someone else.
Here’s the thing, God created every one of us. He loves every one of us. He doesn’t pick and choose who to be kind to or pray for or look for a need to be met. He cares for us all equally. The good, the bad, the weak, the strong. The poor and the rich, those wandering the streets talking to some imaginary strangers and those cruising along in their Bentley on the way to get their nails done!
God doesn’t think of me as lesser than anyone. He never minimizes my skills or gifts or abilities. He adores my quirks and moodiness and freckles and crazy hair! Why? Because He’s the one that made me this way! When the Bible says that every hair on our head is known by God, I have to believe that even my freckles are counted by Him! (BTW, my grandma used to call them “Angel Kisses” when I was young and constantly complaining about them!)
If God doesn’t think I’m less than any of His creation than I shouldn’t either. It doesn’t always stop me from feeling this way, but the more I put into practice the act of reminding myself that “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” the fewer moments I have of feeling less than and the more I feel like a daughter of the King!!
So as you go about your day today, don’t allow the news or other people to make you feel less than. That’s going to be my goal for the day! And if I do start to sense that old feeling creeping in, I’m going to remember that it’s just a lie from Satan. I am not less than anyone or anything in the eyes of my Heavenly Father. And really, it’s not about me anyway. Jesus wants me to love His creation with the same kind of love He has for me. And that means loving those who have more needs than I do as well as those who, in the world’s eyes, already have everything they need!
It is a sin to despise one’s neighbor, but blessed is the one who is kind to the needy. – Proverbs 14:21
Loved this.