It’s such a beautiful day! It’s hard to believe that it’s the last day of January and I’m sitting here at a table at Disneyland in short sleeves and sunglasses! I love people watching and there really is no better place on earth to do that then at a place like Disneyland.
People from all nations and walks of life seem to congregate at the Happiest Place on Earth. And there are so many of them!! Even on days when I’m here with my family or grandbabies, I like to take a few moments to pull off to the side from all the hustle and bustle and crowds hurrying to this ride or that show and just sit.
Some people are thrilled to be there and you can tell from their interactions with each other that they’re ready for a wonderful adventure. They enjoy each others company and understand that they are creating memories for their children to remember years and years from now.
Then there are the folks that probably haven’t slept for the last 3 years and were never told that the day they attend Disneyland there would also be about a gazillion other folks there too! They are the ones that find something wrong at every turn. The lines are too long, the food is too expensive, and the Cast Members are too rude. I actually overheard an overwhelmed mother yell at her child that was taking a little too long to get off the tram, “Hurry up!” she hollered as she grabbed the child’s arm, “we have to hurry up and get in there and have fun!” I’m just guessing, but I’m pretty sure that particular family’s day at Disneyland was not the most relaxing day they’ve ever spent as a family!
What I find so incredibly fascinating is that these people are all at the same place and yet some people are having a good time while others are having the worse day of their lives.
It makes me think about how, for so many of us, we have similar experiences and yet our perceptions of what we experience are so different. I find that I experience this myself. There are times that my day is pretty much the same as the day before and yet one day can be great and memory making while the next day can feel like the worst day ever. Why is that? As I think of my life, I find that days that begin in quiet time with God and digging into his Word are always better and more focused that those days that I’ve slept a little too late and don’t have time to sit still with God, even if it’s just 5 minutes, and just hurry out the door on my way to another busy day.
I know it may sound corny, but the start of my day completely impacts the whole of my day. I remember as a young mother, juggling work and boys and a home, it was a challenge just getting a shower and dressing let alone sitting with my Bible for the first 10-20 minutes of the day. But as I’ve aged, not just in years but in my Christian walk, I understand that without the daily grounding that time with God provides, I’m like a boat kind of just floating near the dock, bumping into it from time to time, but always at risk of being carried away by the current to some unplanned location that really wasn’t meant for me to travel to.
I would much rather get up a few minutes earlier so I can make sure my day starts firmly connected and tethered to my Rock. I make better choices. I feel better about myself and others. And I’m more available to appreciate the fun adventures and exciting interactions God has for my day.
I’m not saying that everyday is a trip to a theme park, but it certainly is a better day and I appreciate things more when I start the day in God’s presence. I find I’m more open to be used by God to make the day better for a stranger or co-worker or friend. And really, isn’t that what we were created for?
Beautiful Deanne!
Thank you, Cheryl!
Thank you, Deanna! These words are so true in my experience as well. I can tell that you are going to be a blessing to many as you embark on this new adventure! I’m thrilled for you!
Thank you, Beth, so much for your words of encouragement!
What a blessing you are to even your folks! We love you and know that this “blog” will be an encouragement to many. God loves you and SO DO WE!!
We thank the Lord daily for your life, your ministry, your talent and YOU! This is, already, a blessing and we know it will reach many with the encouragement, challenges and inspiration your heart desires for them. We are proud of you and love you very much!