I live a blessed life that has at times been hard and at other times smooth and uncomplicated. Most of the tough times have been consequences from choices I’ve made. Some have come along due to being at the wrong place at the wrong time or simply to make me a stronger person. The good times generally just happen without a lot of planning on my part and I discover things are going well right in the middle of whatever is going on!
But all of the times – both good and bad – are what make me who I am. They have shaped me into a person that has determined to never take anything for granted and to live a life grateful for every single breath in every single day. Yes, sometimes my friends and family tease me about being a bit too “Pollyanna” but I make a conscious choice to see the best in things, and people and situations. Life is just too short to do anything less….at least in my opinion!
When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves. – William Arthur Ward