Day 4 – Do not stifle the Holy Spirit. – 1 Thessalonians 5:19
Do you ever get that little twinge to speak up and say something or act on a desire to help someone? What do you do? Or what about when you’re sitting in church and someone gets up to share something that makes you uncomfortable? Or the message is so strong and the pastor seems to be going on and on while you sit there thinking about which restaurant you want to hit up for Sunday brunch if he would just hurry up? What do you do?
In moments like these, the Holy Spirit may be moving in ways that you can’t see or understand. There are times, believe it or not, that God is using something to bring someone closer to Him that doesn’t have anything to do with you. Crazy, right?
God’s Spirit is working constantly; sometimes behind the scenes and sometimes right in the middle of me wanting to do something else. I believe when Paul asks us not to stifle the Holy Spirit, he’s wanting the Church to be more aware of that very fact.
Jesus says that we can move mountains if we just had faith. The reality of having that kind of faith isn’t humanly possible. But the kind faith that moves mountains, transforms a sinner into a child of God and completely changes history is the Holy Spirit in action.
When I step back and allow God’s Spirit to move, the changes that can occur are breathtaking! So here’s a thought for us today: can I stop and listen for just a moment or two to wait on the Holy Spirit to do something amazing? I love that the Old Testament reminds us that God is not in the fire or the strong wind but in a still small voice. God’s Holy Spirit can move, even today, if I get out of the way and allow His power to be unleashed!
Father, I pray that You would show me Your Holy Spirit in action today. Whether it’s something big or something small, make me aware of how You are moving to bring this world closer to You. Amen.
Wait, what? It’s not about me? Loved this reminder!